The Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs

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Join us for the Drug Policy Modelling Program Symposium 2024 

The symposium will open with the launch of our new report The Australian Drug Budget 2021-2022 detailing government investment across drug prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and law enforcement.

We will also have sessions exploring:

  • the benefits and challenges of drug law reform 
  • drug treatment and unmet demand for treatment 
  • representation and participation in policy processes 
  • small ‘snapshots’ of other alcohol and drug policy research. 

It promises to be an exciting, thought-provoking day to consider how we can make alcohol and other drug policy better. 

The full program will be available shortly. 

You can register for the full day (in-person 9.30am to 3.30pm) or only for the morning Australian Drug Budget session (in-person or virtual 9.30am to 10.30am).

calendar_icon.png  Tuesday 04 June 2024

clock_icon.png  9.30am–3.30pm

building_icon.png  Tyree Room, John Niland Scientia Building

location_icon.png  UNSW Sydney, Kensington campus

Register to join

About the Drug Policy Modelling Program

The aim of the DPMP is to create valuable new drug policy insights, ideas and interventions that will allow Australia and other nations to respond with alacrity and success. DPMP addresses drug policy using a comprehensive approach that includes consideration of law enforcement, prevention, treatment, and harm reduction, and we take a multidisciplinary approach.

DPMP conducts rigorous research that provides independent, balanced, non-partisan policy analysis. The areas of work include developing the evidence-base for policy; developing, implementing, and evaluating dynamic policy-relevant models of drug issues; and studying policy-making processes.

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