APSAD Constitution | APSAD Constitution |
APSAD Council / The Board of Directors | Board of Directors: |
APSAD is governed by a Board of Directors called the APSAD Council. The Council is elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting. The Council includes the President of the Society, Vice President/President Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and representatives from each state & territory and New Zealand. The Council also includes a number of ex-officio positions that do not have voting rights which include the Editor-in-Chief of the Drug and Alcohol Review, DANA Representative, First Peoples Representative and a Chapter of Addiction Medicine Representative. The Council meets four times a year. | APSAD Council |
Secretariat | |
The Society's staff are located at APSAD's office at Dorchester House, 149 Macquarie St, Sydney. | See contact us page |
Finance Committee | Finance Committee |
The Finance Committee has an advisory role in the financial management of APSAD, participating in the formation of the budget; recommending the budget to Council for approval; reviewing contracts with event managers; overseeing expenditure; recommending expenditure which fall outside of the budget; recording transactions and ensuring that the accounts are audited. The Finance Committee reports to and advises Council on the management of the Society's funds and ensures that revenue is maximised within the context of secure investments. The Finance Committee membership shall be made of the following:
Conference Committees | Conference Committees |
APSAD Conference has two Committees made up from the membership. These committees have a role in organising and co-ordinating the annual scientific conference. The Scientific Program Committee is responsible for the scientific program. This includes the conference streams, selecting keynote speakers, determining streams for the conference, and reviewing and selecting papers, posters, workshops, and symposia - through peer review. The Conference Organising Committee is responsible for reviewing and finalising the conference budget, reviewing the finances, marketing and public relations, sponsorship, additional business meetings held during the conference and the conference social functions. |
Scientific Advisory Committee Conference Organising Committee |
Special Interest Groups and Subcommittees | |
From time to time Council will set up a special interest group or subcommittee to oversee an aspect of the Society's activities. For example, the Early to Mid Career Researchers Subcommittee or the Medical Special Interest Group. Members of APSAD are able to set up Special Interest Groups by contacting the APSAD Office and submitting a proposl for a new Special Interest Group which will be reviewed by Council. |
Early to Mid Career Researcher Subcommittee APSAD Smoking & Vaping Cessation Professional Special Interest Group Perinatal Substance Exposure Special Interest Group |